Configuring product importing

The configuration of a new warehouse consists of 3 steps. In the first step, select the warehouse to you want to connect with and optionally enter a prefix.

It is particularly important when cooperating with many wholesalers, using more than one integrator or adding products to a store where the products of the selected wholesaler already exist.

The integrator uses the product code (SKU) to recognize it in your store. The code is unique within the offer of a given wholesaler (e.g. DRESS-12), but it may be identical for products imported from different sources.

A prefix is ​a short text that is added before the product code (e.g. WAREHOUSE1-DRESS-12) to avoid overwriting existing data in the store and prevent collisions between different integrations.

In the next tab, enter the data provided by the wholesaler and select the initial parameters with which the products are to be delivered to the store, such as language or currency.

Optionally, you can modify the product database by limiting products based on their parameters (category, size, features, name) or by editing them (changing the names of variants or features, editing the description).

You can also choose some default actions to be performed when adding products to the integrator. They depend on the wholesaler of your choice and may concern, among others:

  • eliminating products without photos

  • downloading additional language versions

  • changing the price used as the base price (suggested retail price / purchase price)

  • changing currency at a certain rate

  • changing the default VAT rate

After setting the way of loading the product database, in the last tab you should define how often the product database should be downloaded from the warehouse. It is worth contacting the wholesaler and determining how often changes are made on their side, so that the file is downloaded as often as it is shared.

You can also force a reload of the file here, if changes were made to the previous tab - for example, regarding the current exchange rate.

Last updated