Auto update configuration
When configuring auto update, you can define the scope of the updated parameters, select the update frequency, create notifications informing you about its progress and manage the rules for adding products.
Managing rules of adding and modifying
Activate auto update - Enables or disables automatic updating. We recommend keeping it turned off while editing other settings.
Interval between synchronization sessions - defines the frequency of exporting information from the integrator to the store. By default, it is the same as the frequency of downloading the database from the warehouse, in exceptional cases the interval can be extended to reduce the load on the store. We do not recommend modifying this value.
If you would like the product database in your store to be updated more frequently, please contact us. Depending on the warehouse and store platform, it is possible to reduce this value down to 5 minutes!
Lowering the synchronization interval by yourself does not affect whether the products in the store are more up-to-date, as it does not change the frequency of downloading data from the warehouse.
Send reports by e-mail - allows you to receive information about updates, you can decide whether you want them to be sent with every update or only when an error is registered.
Notifications e-mail - setting correlated with the reports above.
Size of the product package - the number of products that the integrator sends to your store during a single inquiry. Increasing this number may increase the speed of adding / updating products, but increases the risk of errors. Reducing this number may increase the update time, but has a positive effect on stability.
We do not recommend editing this field! Some platforms limit the number of available queries for external applications. Making changes to the package size may prevent the integrator from working properly.
Add new products - checking this box will periodically generate a list of new products and automatically launch a full update for them.
Refresh product variants - checking this box causes cyclical launching of a full update session aimed at deleting unavailable variants and adding new ones, if they have been shared by the warehouse. It can significantly slow down all updates coming to the store, especially in the case of integration with a warehouse with a large number of products with variants (e.g. clothing wholesalers).
Updated parameters - defines the parameters that will be updated during automatic update.
Minimum stock level - allows you to specify the minimum stock level after which the product will be marked as "inactive" - leave the field blank not to modify the information provided by the warehouse.
Selecting the "Activity" attribute for a full update will change the status of products with a stock level not higher than the "Minimum stock level" to "Sold out". The integrator does not have the permission to remove products from the store.
The minimum stock level applies to the sum of stock levels of all variants of a given product. If you want to set a minimum stock for individual variants, please contact us!
Update scope - allows you to limit the automatic update only to products assigned to selected manufacturers or categories.
Select manufacturers or categories from the list available after selecting one of the options.
Activate log - saves the log of automatic updates in history.
Last updated
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